4 из 91 переводчиков в Джакарте доступен для заказа
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€267.0/8 часов
I have many years of Interpretation experience. I had managed to accomplish assignments on various events and seminars organized recently by International organizations such as the United Nations for Population Fund (UNFPA), Global Land Forum and Asian Para Games and corporations.
€276.0/8 часов
Interpretation (simultaneous) French to English and English to French.
Expertise in journalism and publishing for general public and trade publications.
Demonstrated effectiveness in coaching expatriate professionals sent abroad to live, study, or work, in Canada and in Indonesia (10 years), in both English and French.
€112.0/8 часов
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Jakarta. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Zulaiha Witri
€280/8 часов
I'm an experienced Interpreter representative with a
verifiable track record of communication from one
language to another and winning client loyalty.