Originally from Hanoi, I have lived and frequently traveled between both Vietnam and the Netherlands. I hold master degree in business and also bachelor degree in finance. As an interpreter, I started out with government jobs and went on to work internationally. After roughly 10 years, I have built up a strong and diverse portfolio.
Despite being only in early 30s, I have worked on many high-level conferences and meetings in Europe and Asia, frequently contracted by governments (European Union, Dutch & Vietnamese governments), major companies (Rosatom, Facebook, Unilever, Airbus, etc.), and interpreter association (AIIC, Congrestolken, etc.). With conversational command of few other languages and having traveled to many countries, I adapt very well to cultural differences and was noted for being able to translate lingual challenges such as poetry, jokes, and slang. I am also no stranger to diplomatic setting, having stood behind government and corporate leaders. I am also familiar with the most technical topics from nuclear technology to bio-engineering, from social sciences to IT. I excel under highly-pressured interpreting jobs such as trade negotiations, diplomatic meetings, press conferences. More than a lingual specialist, I am also a business consultant who can offer insights on the local market should the clients require.
Специализация перевода:
Сельское хозяйство | Коммерция (в целом) | Компьютеры и интернет (в целом) | Финансы и кредит | Международные отношения и организации | Естественные науки (в целом) | Ядерные технологии, ядерная физика | Розничная торговля (в общем) | Спорт и спортивное снаряжение | Реклама и PR
Пары языков перевода:
английский - вьетнамский | вьетнамский - английский
*Стоимость заказа за выбранное время, с учетом скидок
Как заказать переводчика в Ханое:
- нажать "Заказать" напротив выбранной услуги
- оформить заказ кредитной картой или получив счет для оплаты банковским переводом. Также вы можете выбрать вариант оплаты наличными переводчику.
- получить подтверждение заказа и Ваучер с данными для контакта с переводчиком