Цены переводчиков в Триесте

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Нужен профессиональный текстовый перевод на итальянский?

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11 из 37 переводчиков в Триесте доступны для заказа

Cтоимость за 8 часов (с 10:00 до 18:00 - 5 ноября), с учетом скидок. Изменить дату, время?
Заказывайте сейчас, платите потом, БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена заказа! Без наценок.
Переводчик в Триесте - Kateryna
€320/8 часов
Discount arrow -11 %
Опытный последовательный переводчик предлагает качественный и профессиональный перевод.
Переводчик в Триесте - Iulia Daniela
Iulia Daniela
€480/8 часов
Discount arrow -40 %
I have been working as a translator and interpreter for the past 16 years in Italy. I have a BA in English Language and Translation from Galați University and an MA in Interpreting from SSLMIT, Trieste, Italy.
Переводчик в Триесте - Mira
€400/8 часов
Discount arrow -17 %
- Conference Interpreter Italian/English/Croatian during a number of assignments for public and private institutions and agencies in Italy and Croatia - Translator at the European Commission, DG Translation, Croatian Lang Dept
Переводчик в Триесте - Вита
€200/8 часов
Discount arrow -17 %
Многолетний опыт переводов в транснациональных корпорациях в России, Италии и европейских странах. По второй профессии дизайнер и технолог с итальянским дипломом (дизайн, мода и оптика). Юридические и технические термины и знание бизнес-процессов. Общение с госструктурами. Содействие в деловой переписке и переводе документации.
Переводчик в Триесте - Franco
€300/8 часов
Discount arrow -6 %
Graduated in simultaneous translation. I have a 17 year experience in the language industry. I have been translating for politicians, business people, members of scientific committees etc. Vast experience in business meetings, conferences, trade fairs, fashion shows and technical trainings. Some experience as wedding interpreter.
Переводчик в Триесте - Jessica
€400/8 часов
Professional Interpreter and Translator. Italian native, lived in the UK for 6 years. BA and a MA degrees in Translation and Interpreting awarded in Italy and the UK.
Переводчик в Триесте - Lara
€360/8 часов
Discount arrow -18 %
Freelance Interpreter and Translators. Working languages: Italian, German, English. Fields of expertise: Cinema, Literature, Culture, Education, Law, Medicine, Marketing Reliable, professional and flexible. Available all over Italy, Europe and worldwide
Переводчик в Триесте - Giulia
€400/8 часов
I am Giulia Scirè, a professional interpreter and translator. I offer translation and interpreting services from and into Italian, French, and English.
Переводчик в Триесте - Maja
€280/8 часов
I am a professional interpreter, from a bilingual family (Italian and Croatian). I have graduated from the University of Trieste, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori. My working languages are Italian, Croatian and English both active and passive, and Serbian only passive.
Переводчик в Триесте - Sofia
€480/8 часов
Discount arrow -14 %
Graduate (MA) conference interpreter for German, English and Italian. Simultaneous and consecutive. Onsite and remote. Fields: arts and negotiations, medical, police stations, community, psychiatry, immigration, insurance. Working since 2020.
Переводчик в Триесте - Michael
€600/8 часов
Discount arrow -50 %
I am a freelance translator and interpreter specialising in the medical-scientific field. I worked with many agencies as well as direct clients on numerous projects spanning from conferences, courses, one-to-one interviews and diplomatic meetings.