Top-Level Interpreter, Negotiator, Mediator for private business and public conference occasions. Poltical Scientist. Diplomatic family background. Lived 14 years in Bonn, Germany, 4 years in Sweden, 1 year in Ethiopia. Attends to critical meetings of Ministers and politicians personally. Runs a pharmacy with wife. 2 children (13 & 10)
I work as an interpreter but actually I am an International Relations graduate (2002) from Bonn University in Germany, now living and working in Ankara.
The topic of my Masters Degree was: "The Middle East Water Conflict." (Euphrates/Tigris, Blue & White Nile and the Jordan River Basins, dealing with political confrontations, ecological challenges and energy-related opportunities.)
I lived in Sweden for four years (1984-88) and then studied and worked in Germany for 15 years (1990-2004) before returning to Turkey.
Upon my return, I worked as a Researcher at a political think-tank (ASAM- Center For Eurasian Strategic Studies) and then as a Foreign Trade Specialist for various industrial companies (GEMAK Food Industry Machinery, HEPER Exterior Lighting, etc.)
Between 2006 and 2010, I run my own construction and architectural company together with my brother, Architect, Mr. Murat Being exposed to foreign languages, countries and cultures as a child, I had to develop language and cultural skills very early to survive in my social environment. I communicate in English and German very well. I'm also an intermediate level Spanish and Swedish speaker. Turkish, is my mother tongue.
I am married to a pharmacist and I manage adermo-cosmetics A-class pharmacy in Ankara. I am father to 2 children; 9 & 7 years. My children are attending English-spoken private schools since kindergarten.
I work as a freelance translator, both verbally, as well as orally. I attend official meetings of ministries and meetings of private companies for negotiations. Considering my background, I would like to assist you as a part of your projects.
Specializzazione in traduzione:
Agricoltura | Cinema e televisione | Commercio (in generale) | Argomenti di conversazione generale | Gestione e amministrazione | Metalmeccanica | Medicina: sanità pubblica | Scienze naturali (in generale) | Trasporto, mezzi di trasporto, autotrasporti | Stato, politica
Lingue di traduzione:
Inglese - Tedesco | Tedesco - Inglese | Tedesco - Turco | Turco - Tedesco | Inglese - Turco | Turco - Inglese
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