13 dei 74 interpreti a Lipsia sono accessibili per un ordine
Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - d’aprile 14), sconto compreso.
Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
€304/8 ore

I am professional private interpreter with 5 years' work experience. I provide all types of English, Czech, Russian and German interpretation and translation, including at corporate negotiations.
€480/8 ore
I am a professional interpreter and translator for Russian, German, and English with more than 15 years of experience.
€720/8 ore

Simultaneous & consecutive interpreter for English, German and Russian. Master of Arts in conference interpreting at Leipzig University, Bachelor of Arts in international economic relations at MGIMO-University. C2 language certificates. Fields: see below + upon request
€400/8 ore

10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
€760/8 ore
I am a professional interpreter, experienced in remote and in-person interpretation during negotiations, interviews, conferences, film production etc., both simultaneous and consecutive. I will be happy to make your event a success with reliable and professional translation.
€280/8 ore

Я имею не только высокую квалификацию, но и опыт работы или образование, соответствующие сфере вашей деятельности: технической, экономической, медицинской, а также обладаю опытом публичных выступлений. Я говорю на немецком, английском и русском языках в любой комбинации
€272/8 ore

I offer services of an experienced accompanying interpreter for trips and visits to various authorities and events: Bürgeramt, Senat, Jobcenter, lawyer, court, doctor appointments, consulates and embassies, schools, business-audit.
Also events, conferences and negotiations.
Languages: German, English, Russian. Payment is hourly.
€176/8 ore

I specialise in translation and interpretation in such fields as construction, real estate, marketing, art and design. I have extensive experience as a liaison interpreter in various fields (construction, business). I also accompany clients to interviews in the American Consulate. I look forward to your enquiries.
€926.0/8 ore

20 years of experience, curious, still looking for a good novel or poetry to translate.
I’m ready though to translate whatever you need. My hobbies are reading, writing, photographing, & video. I enjoy the Fine Arts and nature, working in my garden. I reside in Zurich, preferred working fields are the Arts, theatre...
€250/8 ore

Sono un'interprete e traduttrice con le lingue italiano, tedesco, russo ed inglese con sede ad Amburgo, lavoro in quanto libera professionista dal 2016 per un’ampia base di clienti, tra cui agenzie d'interpretariato e clienti privati italiani, russi e tedeschi. Gli ambiti vanno da metallurgia a medicina passando per moda ed informatica.
€650/8 ore
Sono un interprete di conferenza con diversi anni di esperienza, lavoro principalmente in contesti di simultanea (cabina, da remoto, in uno studio dietro lo specchio)
€640/8 ore

Da più di 20 anni lavoro come interprete e traduttrice per l’italiano, inglese e tedesco.
Dal 1996 sono membro del BDÜ (Associazione tedesca per traduttori e interpreti), nello stesso anno ho prestato giuramento presso il Tribunale di Berlino. Dal 2007 sono anche membro del VKD (Associazione tedesca interpreti di conferenza).
€600/8 ore

Am seeking to offer my services as simultaneous, consecutive and negotiation interpreter. My expertise lies in pharmaceutical topics, likewise in the fields of public transport, sea, air, rail and automotive, as well as consumer goods. Willing to work for hospitals, manufacturers, authorities, and service providers all over the world.
Ancora 1 interprete a Lipsia, che corrisponde alla Sua richiesta, ma sono accessibili in un altro tempo
€160/8 ore
I will be happy to help you in translation and interpretation in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian.