I am a Munich-based interpreter and translator for Russian, German and English. Being lawyer by education and having several years of experience in the field of law, I mainly specialize in legal interpretation. Medicine, finance, taxes, real estate and design also belong to my specializations. I practice my profession with passion.
Come interprete giurata e traduttrice professionale con sede a Monaco di Baviera, offro una vasta gamma di servizi linguistici. Con una conoscenza eccellente di russo, tedesco, inglese e italiano, aiuto i miei clienti a superare le barriere linguistiche e culturali, garantendo una comunicazione efficace.
Sono un'interprete e traduttrice in coppia linguistica Inglese - Tedesco - Italiano - Russo - Francese con sede a Monaco di Baviera, lavoro professionalmente dal 1997 per un’ampia base di clienti, tra cui agenzie d'interpretariato e clienti privati.
Munich-based Interpreter/translator with 25 years'+ experience, simultaneous interpretation of conferences more than 10 years. English-German-Russian-Ukrainian. VIP-interpretation (politicians, businessmen, media). Notarized translations, escort in clinics, granting transport, other services.
I am a professional translator and interpreter specialized in the medical, literature and technical field. My services are simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.
I provide high quality services during exhibitions, conferences, meetings, medical appointments in Munich area and in all Germany.
Medical interpreter in Munich. I am working in a large surgical and orthopedic clinic as interpreter correspondent. Just technical translation is not a problem. Languages: Ukrainian (Native) Russian (Native), German (Fluent), English (very good), Spanish (Basic), Polish (basic)
Freelance Interprete/translator in Munich, Germany with over 10 years of experience. Interpreter from Ukrainian into German, from Ukrainian into English, from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
More than 7 years of experience as a consecutive interpreter in Hannover. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, interpreting at the negotiations, interpreting at exhibitions, personal assistance.
My proficiency in Chinese language is as good as in English and many Indian languages. I am currently in Germany and also have German skills. People with whom I interact in India and abroad consider this as a rare skill that I possess.
For many years I have also been engaged in the international film industry as a dialogue coach and interpreter for Russian, German and English languages – including major German and international film productions. I also have experience in working as an interpreter and translator in f.e. business, medicine, fashion, art, architecture a.o.
I am a professional interpreter, experienced in remote and in-person interpretation during negotiations, interviews, conferences, film production etc., both simultaneous and consecutive. I will be happy to make your event a success with reliable and professional translation.
I've been working as a translator and interpreter since 2005
and I’m pleased to offer you my multilingual services in
English, German, French & Russian
(fluent speaking and writing skills)
An experienced interpreter in technical and economic fields, a long-time resident of Germany with a rich experience in interpreting (over 15 years). Language pairs: Russian-German-Russian, Russian-English-Russian (through one-year stay in the US) and English-German-English.
I am professional private interpreter, working with German, English, Russian, Ukrainian, French interpretation and translation in the city of Hamburg and in the nearest cities. 7 years' work experience of private interpretation practice in the Germany.
Madrelingua russa, laureata alla Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Trieste offresi per interpretazioni e traduzioni da/verso russo, ucraino, inglese e tedesco. Disponibile inoltre per gli interpretariati alle fiere, conferenze, meeting e come guida turistica.
Interpreter in Stuttgart and another cities of Germany; more than 12 years of interpretation experience from English into Russian, from English into German, from Russian into German.
Arabic/German/English Translator and Interpreter in Germany. 10 years of Experience. Authorized translator & sworn interpreter for German/Arabic. Member of German Federal Association for interpreters and translators (BDÜ). Consecutive & simultaneous Interpreting. Quality on time with reliability
Russian-English certified interpreter, translator. 9 + years of experience at seminars, business events, court interpreting, international visits. I've Russian & British passports, and a linguist qualification. Assist in EU, UK, Switzerland & Dubai. Intelligent, accurate, correctly express ideas in both languages: Russian, English.
My name is Daria and I will happily accompany you to any appointment, doctor, fair or to a business meeting.
• Translation at international fairs
• Business translation
• Medical translation
• Legal translation
18 anni di esperienza nel settore dell'interpretariato di conferenza e presso i tribunali nonché come traduttore di documenti molto variegati, dai contratti fino al materiale marketing passando per i manuali d'istruzione
Interprete e traduttrice freelance
Lingue di lavoro: italiano, tedesco, inglese
Settori: Cinema, Marketing, Medicina, Diritto, Turismo ed enogastronomia
Affidabile, puntuale, flessibile, disponibile a viaggiare in Italia, Europa e in tutto il mondo
Mouneer is a German-English-Arabic translator & interpreter. He had accumulated way more than 10000 hours of experience in his 12-years career which included major publications of several books & novels; high-profile clients & medical interpretation for patients seeking therapy in Munich.
He is a tour guide as well.