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Turquía, Antalya
El período seleccionado: desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de abril 14
Intérprete en Antalya - Aslihan

Intérprete profesional en Antalya

Educación (1) Su perfil está confirmado Contactos están verificados
Frecuencia de las respuestas: 10% Tiempo de la respuesta: Dentro de una hora
Envie al intérprete una solicitud o reserva la fecha y la hora, utilizando el botón "Encargar", que está enfrente de los servicios abajo.
Escribir al intérprete
I am Turkish with English as a second language, certified C1. I have gained a lot of experience as an interpreter from work within the hotel business and from work at a private hospital in Antalya. I provide interpretation/translation service mostly within the Healthcare setting but can provide help in other settings too. 
For As long as I can remember, I have always been interested in relations, both internationally and on a more personal level. During my years at university, I had the opportunity to develop deeperunderstanding and more profound knowledge about international relations and affairs, such as the interactions and politics between countries, organisations and companies and leaders. After University i started my own business withinfashion retailing and that gave me the opportunity to learn more about relations at the micro level, such as customer relations, sales, being involved in purchasing, marketing and communication. In all, that made it possible to develop my skills regarding how to handle both customers and suppliers. Since July, I have been working as a receptionist at Ramada Resort Lara. I have learnt the job of a receptionist, e.g., check in, check out, as well as taking care of issues guests have. During my work at Ramada, I have improved my understanding of, and the importance of being a team member and the how crucial it is that the team works efficient. During this period, I have appreciated the personal relation with guests,and I always want to help guests to make their stay as pleasant as possible. In the middle of September, I left Ramada Resort due to the seasonal employment. I was hired by Anadolu Sağlık Vakfi Life Hospital as Patient a Counsellor Secretary. I am currently the bridge between doctors and patients. I help patients to find their way in hospital, I organise doctor's schedules and plan for patients visit in the out-patient clinic. When we have foreign patients speaking English I am often asked to help translating so that the patients get correct information and also are given the opportunity to ask questions to the physicians. I put great value into making every customer satisfied and I do have the ability to talk to most people in a way that make them understand that this is my goal. I have faith in every job I do.
La especialización de la interpretación:
Medicina: (en general) | Hostelería y Turismo | Comercio (en general)
Idiomas de la interpretación:
inglés - turco | turco - inglés
Los servicios disponibles para el encargo de de abril 14 (10:00 - 18:00): ¿Cambiar la hora? El precio*
por 8 horas
Interpretación en negociaciones 153.0 EUR Encargar
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos

Como reservar a un intérprete en Antalya:

- Pulsar "Encargar", que está enfrente del servicio seleccionado
- Realizar su encargo con tarjeta crédito, o recibir una factura del pago por transferencia bancaria. También Usted puede elegir a pagar en efectivo al intérprete.
- Recibir una confirmación del encargo y los datos del intérprete para ponerse en contacto

Porqué el interpreters.travel:

Los precios de los intérpretes sin sobretasas de las agencias

El pago en línea o en efectivo al intérprete

Cancelación gratuita, garantías de reembolso de los pagos

Hacer encargo sin registrarse

Posibilidad de hacer encargo para la empresa

Seguridad de los pagos en línea, protección de los datos

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