Precio de los intérpretes en Leipzig

Serviocios de los intérpretes en Leipzig:

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2 de 74 intérpretes en Leipzig estan disponibles para el encargo

El precio por 8 hours (desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de diciembre 2), con los descuentos. ¿Cambiar la hora?
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Intérprete en Leipzig - Elvira
€911.0/8 horas
Discount arrow -10 %
20 years of experience, curious, still looking for a good novel or poetry to translate. I’m ready though to translate whatever you need. My hobbies are reading, writing, photographing, & video. I enjoy the Fine Arts and nature, working in my garden. I reside in Zurich, preferred working fields are the Arts, theatre...
Intérprete en Leipzig - Laura
€250/8 horas
Discount arrow -31 %
More than 2 years of experience as consecutive interpreter all over Germany. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, personal assistant (assistant).