Freelance Conference Interpreter and translator in Istanbul (Turkey). Languages: Turkish- Mother Tongue, English – Advanced, Swedish - Advanced, Russian – Intermediate, German – Pre-intermediate, Greek- Beginner.
Professional Experience. As Board Member: Model United Nations of Istanbul Conference (MUNIST 2012) as Secretary General, hosting around 400 university and high school students from all over the world. Model United Nations Turkey (MUNTR) Conference 2013 as Under-Secretary General (responsible for Disarmament and International Security Committee and Council of Europe). Euro-Asia Model United Nations (EUROASIAMUN) 2012 as Under-Secretary General (responsible for Human Rights Council). Executive Board Member of Yeditepe Model United Nations Club. Model United Nations of Istanbul Conference, 2011, (MUNIST) as Under Secretary General. Model United Nations Conference of Istanbul (MUNIST 2010) as Associate director of Public Relations. As Committee Director: Model United Nations of Turkey Conference, 2012 (MUNTR) Committee Director of Historical Security Council. Bucharest Model United Nations Conference, 2012 (BISMUN) Committee Director of Human Rights Council. Thessaloniki Model United Nations 2012 (THESSISMUN) President Chair of Council of Europe. Yeditepe Model United Nations Conference 2010 (Y-MUN) Committee Director of Human Rights Council (In total, I took part in almost 20 Model United Nations conferences as academic team, organization team, and as delegate)
La especialización de la interpretación:
Temas generales | Relaciones internacionales y Organizaciones
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