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Republik Korea, Incheon
Ausgewählte Periode: von 10:00 bis 18:00 - 14 April
Dolmetscher in Incheon - Benjamin

Professionelle Dolmetscher in Incheon

Ausbildung (2) Profil ist verifiziert Geprüfte Kontaktdaten
Antwortfrequenz: 100% Antwortdauer: im Laufe des Tages
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Dolmetscher kontaktieren
I have 20 years of working experience overseas in various English-speaking business environments but currently residing in Korea. I have provided a professional level of interpretation in business negotiations since the year 2004. I have considerable interpretation experience in medical, food, cosmetic, education, and construction etc.
I am a Korean-born New Zealand citizen currently residing in Korea. I am fluent in both Korean and English. I graduated from a university in Korea and later immigrated to New Zealand, where I studied English and Marketing. I lived in New Zealand for over 10 years, during which I worked as an assistant manager in a property development company before establishing my own international trading business. This business focused on exporting New Zealand and Australian products, and I also worked as a freelance interpreter, enhancing my skills in English communication. Eager to work in a larger business environment, I returned to Korea and joined a construction company as the head of the international business development department, using my knowledge of English and marketing, I later became the head of the branch office in Russia. After 12 years in the construction industry in both Korea and Russia, I returned to Korea and then started my own business in Korea, importing construction materials from Russia and taking over my family's foodstuff business. Additionally, I served as the Korean representative for the Russian medical company during COVID-19, gaining valuable insights into the medical field, and expanding my professional capabilities. My diverse career path has given me a broad skill set and a deep understanding of various industries. I am passionate about my work and committed to continuous learning and professional growth. My professional background in construction, foodstuff, and medical business as well as many other areas allows me to navigate complex professional environments with ease and confidence. I am also highly confident in my interpretation skills across various fields, so feel free to contact me for any interpretation needs.
Landwirtschaft | Architektur, Interier Design | Kino und Fernsehen | Bauwesen und Baugeräte | Kosmetik, Parfümerie, Fashion | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik | Fischzucht | Medizin (gesamt) | Tourismus und Reise | Handel und Gewerbe | Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie
Englisch - Koreanisch | Koreanisch - Englisch
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- klicken Sie auf "Buchen" gegenüber ausgewählten Dienstleistung
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- Sie bekommen einen Auftragsbestätigung und Voucher mit Kontaktdaten Ihres Dolmetschers

Warum interpreters.travel:

Die Preise ohne Vermittlungsgebühren

Onlinezahlung oder Bar an Dolmetscher

Kostenlose Stornierung, Rückzahlungsgarantie

Buchung ohne Anmeldung

Buchung auf das Unternehmen

Sichere Onlinezahlungen, Datenschutz

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