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I have been associated with educational industry for more than fifteen years. I have been always interested into linguistics and communications being a student of literature. I have got some opportunities to work as an interpreter in a friendly atmosphere which I enjoyed immensely. This is kind of work I have always wanted to do.
Though I have been in different fields as career options, I have always wanted to be in a field where I have to interact with lot of people from different cultures and countries. This was a dream career for me, but destiny had other things in store for me. I was working at an export house where lots of foreigners used to come to look and buy Indian antiques and silks. I could speak English better than anybody else there so I always worked as an interpreter from Hindi speaking staff to English speaking customers. I used to enjoy this process immensely. I wanted to become a tourist guide in India but that required lots of money and contacts and I had none. I enrolled in a Spanish Course so that I could become a Spanish interpreter at the age of 48, but found out that to become so fluent in the language takes lot of time and efforts. It was not possible since I had a full time job and home to manage.
Today I am fifty three but still I feel that I am capable of fulfilling my dream of becoming a tourist guide or interpreter though I can only speak and interpret English and Hindi. Though I understand Spanish, I feel to be an interpreter or translator one has to have impeccable command on both the languages. I have confidence on my capabilities in Hindi being my native language and in English being a good student of the same.
I have experience of communicating in both the languages in friendly groups and atmosphere, if you can consider that as experience I would be highly obliged.
Thank You
Seema Saxena
Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Kunst, Handwerk, Malerei | Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik | Linguistik | Literatur und Literaturkritik | Massenmedien und Journalistik | Musik und Theater | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Ethik | Tourismus und Reise
Englisch - Hindi | Hindi - Englisch
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