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Translation services to foreign and local experts, business owners, representatives of international organizations. My priority is to provide quality service so the clients benefit and achieve their goals, make things clear, easy to understand. Huge attention is paid to customer loyalty and feedback.
Since October 2010
IE GLOBAL GO KZ English-Kazakh-Russian Translator
Organizations for Corporate Teaching/Translation services:
• RITAM LLP (former Oktyabr factory, Pavlodar city Kazakhstan, production, metal bending)
• Agro-TAWA LLP (Kazakh-German Joint Venture, Frankfurt/Pavlodar cities, import of seeds, agriculture equipment/machinery, wheat, corn, sunflower production) and their business partnerorganization Elixirzorka group
• Joint venture LLP "Kazakh-Chinese pipeline" (Oil production/exporting industry, China-Kazakhstan
•BAT British-American Tobacco, Almaty city, Nazarbayev ave 240g, English/Kazakh/Russian Translator
• «Culture and Languages State Department of Pavlodar city»
• "Kaztemirtrans" National railways "Kazakhstan Temirzholy"
•National railways "Kazakhstan Temirzholy" Ekibastuz car shed
Kazakh – French Joint Venture “KATKO” (World Leader Organization AREVA for Uranium Extraction)
• The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)
evaluation project related to Human Rights Manual elaboration (Translator for Jan Salko)
• Transatlantic Translations & the US State Department(Desislav Georgiev - Vendor Manager)
• American company FLIR Systems Inc., a manufacturer of thermo-visual equipment
• The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)
The UN evaluation project “Oil Revenue – under Public Oversight”
• Major`s Hall of Ekibastuz city, English Teacher
• Satvic Foods (India, Cucumber/gherkin production and import to CIS countries),
• Aurvedic hotelIsola di Cocco (Trivaandrum city, India,
• Pavlodar Research Institute of Agriculture (Pavlodar city, Kazakhstan)
• Anglo – Chinese Enterprise Holdings Ltd (Colchester city, Great Britain) collaboration projects in education and investment projects between Kazakhstan, the United Kingdom and China.
• Property Development “Blue Eden Development Ltd”(Tel Aviv Israel company, construction/sale of property in Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus)
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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