Give lectures on travel and the philosophy food in the Japanese language
Writes promotional material for the internet and pamphlets in the Japanese language
Teachers traning and examinations passed in Japanses language
Teaching in Japanese language Yoga, Taichi and Kenkou Taisou
1998 Graduated Kai Nihongo School Japanese Language Proficiency Level one (top attainable level):
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Margaret has been living and working in Japan for over 25 years. Her language abilities are close to native level in both the spoken and written areas.
She understands well the culture and the specific protocols that must be honored and followed in order to succeed
in Japan.
Margaret has been living and working in Japan for over 25 years. Her language abilities are close to native level in both the spoken and written areas.
She understands well the culture and the specific protocols (including understanding the reasons behind those protocols) that must be honored and followed in order to succeed
in Japan.
She relates well to people of all backgrounds and orientation.
She has always followed her interests which has lead her mainly into areas of the arts. She loves a challenge and will always do her utmost to make your interpretation experience successful.
She has a special ability to convey the essence of that which the person she is interpreting for is trying to communicate to the other party
Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Architektur, Interier Design | Kunst, Handwerk, Malerei | Kino und Fernsehen | Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie | Kosmetik, Parfümerie, Fashion | Ekologie und Umweltschutz | Folklore | Generelle Themen | Philosophie | Tourismus und Reise
Englisch - Japanisch | Japanisch - Englisch
Dienstleistungen, welche für Buchung verfügbar 11 April (10:00 - 18:00):
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*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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