1 von 279 Dolmetschern in Rom ist für die Buchung verfügbar
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Iulia Daniela
€640/8 Stunden
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I have been working as a translator and interpreter for the past 16 years in Italy. I have a BA in English Language and Translation from Galați University and an MA in Interpreting from SSLMIT, Trieste, Italy.
Noch 1 Dolmetscher in Rom, welche Ihre Anfrage enspricht, aber in einen anderen Preisniveau
€720/8 Stunden
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Romanian mother-tongue interpreter and translator, based in Italy, qualified Court interpreter (CTU), University degree in Economics, also a member of AITI ( takes regular part in various seminars for linguists and interpreters). Fields of expertise: economics, financial, marketing and business, but also medical and legal