61 von 92 Dolmetschern in Jakarta sind für die Buchung verfügbar
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€191.0/8 Stunden

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The services I can provide: - Interpreter from English/simple Chinese to Indonesian and vice versa - Business Trip companion - Supplier and factory visit - Meeting consecutive interpreting - Telephone interpreting - Training and seminar interpreting - Tutorial Daily Bahasa Indonesia Conversation - Documents translation
El Shinta Primadona
€191.0/8 Stunden
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I have performed as interpreter in a number of various workshops and business meetings. I also translate a number of company profiles, contracts, business, field visit reports, scripts, newsletters, and many else, to a number of multilateral organizations, companies, and individuals.
€397.0/8 Stunden
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Independent interpreter & translator with interpreting experience in law enforcement and military workshops and trainings, conferences and seminars in various fields with translation experience for more than 15 years particularly in the field of information technology, consumer electronics, social science, procurement and HR development.
€280/8 Stunden

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I graduated from Russia in 2010 with a degree in International Law. Since 2006, I have worked in various industries, including aviation, oil and gas, online transportation, and financial investment, in roles as an interpreter, translator, and proofreader.
€283.0/8 Stunden
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A freelance English – Indonesian – English Translator/ Interpreter in Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia with over ten years of experience. Languages: Bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue), English (TOEFL-ITP score of 650, as of May 3rd 2010), Formal Arabic (intermediate level), French (DELF B2 Diploma)
€573.0/8 Stunden
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Many, many years of "flight time" under my belt interpreting and translating - English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English - covering a wide variety of topics from business negotiations, company takeovers, in-company training, surveys, TV programs, etc.
€223.0/8 Stunden
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Professional freelance interpreter in Jakarta (Indonesia) at conferences, business meetings, fairs and other events. Japanese <> English and Japanese <> Indonesian consecutive and simultaneous interpretation in architecture, energy saving, retail, tourism and other fields
€138.0/8 Stunden
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I am a professional interpreter and translator in Jakarta skilled in both consecutive and
simultaneous interpreting. I have interpreted for several workshops, international business conference, and exhibition. I can interpret French, English, Turkish, and Indonesian language. I am also available to work for local & overseas project.
€382.0/8 Stunden
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I have many years of Interpretation experience. I had managed to accomplish assignments on various events and seminars organized recently by International organizations such as the United Nations for Population Fund (UNFPA), Global Land Forum and Asian Para Games and corporations.
€240/8 Stunden

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Da Nang is an Indonesian translator and interpreter. He specializes on localization, marketing, contracts, education, culture, medical and Philosophy-Spirituality. He still continues to accept jobs as tour guide and concurrently as phone interpreter for research and business similar to what he did in the Philippines.
€321.0/8 Stunden

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Berater in Bildung und Ausbildung. Dozent an STP Trisakti International, UIA.
Übersetzerin bei Internationales Zentrum der Erforschung (ISC) mit Sitz an der deutschen Botschaft für die Sprachen Indonesisch,Englisch und Deutsch.
Mochamad Hikmat Gumilar
€287.0/8 Stunden

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I am a professional translator and interpreter of more than 25 years of experience in the business. Holder of English Diploma, Bachelor Degree in International Relations and Master in Marketing Management.
€80.0/8 Stunden
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Interpreter in Jakarta, Indonesia more than 6 years of interpretation experience from English into Indonesian, from Indonesian into English.
€397.0/8 Stunden
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i graduated from the one of the best university in India. Aligarh muslim university, i earned my degree majoring in economics i pass my examination degree in 2013 during my study i receive the top ten highest marks, in 2014 i got admission for master international relation in New Delhi and i pass examination and got degree for MA in 2016
€306.0/8 Stunden
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I worked as an in-house translator-interpreter for a global business consulting company from April 2013 to August 2015 prior to becoming a freelancer, with language pair of Indonesian vv English. My scope mainly covered banking and oil & gas.
€38.0/8 Stunden

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More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Jakarta. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Neny Suci
€176.0/8 Stunden
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Hi, It is a pleasure to support you with an interpreting service in the area of Environment , Education and Training, as well as general subjects.
€191.0/8 Stunden
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More than 12 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Jakarta providing all sort of Interpretations, translations, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpreting services at exhibitions, courts or police stations, and seminars or conferences.
€367.0/8 Stunden

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An interpreter, editor, and educator formally trained in Applied Linguistics (MA, 2012) and Creative Writing (MFA, 2017). Over 15 years of teaching experience in Indonesia, United States, and Thailand and over 7 years of EN-ID interpreting experience in conferences, field visits, IDIs, and private events.
€334.0/8 Stunden

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It' has been 9 years since I have involved in translation industry. I have been handling different subjects in my working experience.
€161.0/8 Stunden

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Freelance Interpreter in with over 9 years of experience. Interpreter from Indonesian into English, from English into Indonesian.
€99.0/8 Stunden

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Freelance intrepreter & teacher English / korean language in Jakarta - Indonesia.
Suraya Bachtiar
€128.0/8 Stunden
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I'm native Indonesian with qualified and professional translator, reliable with huge experience in translating various type of legal documents and other general terminologies and proven ability to translate document from source language to target language and extensive experience for many years in the area of technical, business and etc.
Yanti Susanti
€306.0/8 Stunden
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I have been in translation/interpretation industry since 1995. Only provides quality translations for all clients. Serving many international non-governmental organizations, government institutions and respected individual consultants for development or health specific-projects in Indonesia.
€208/8 Stunden

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Freelance Translator, Native Speaker of Bahasa Indonesia.
Seventeen years of experience in translating and interpreting.
Twelve years working experience in NGOs with multicultural environment specialized in forestry, environmental campaign and medical service.
Consistently meets deadlines and exceed organization’s goals and objectives.
€208/8 Stunden

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Indonesian-korean freelance interpreter in Jakarta (Indonesia)
€168/8 Stunden

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I hold Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Swiss German University, Indonesia. I have had working experience in the multinational company. Also, I have been working as a freelance translator in Online News Media for voluntary work. My strengths are in General Business, Travel & Tourism, Culture, Art, and Islamic World & News.
€168.0/8 Stunden

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Vic is a professional interpreter with more than 15 years of wide experience on many fields. Numerous clients from all over the world has experienced his swift response and high quality exact interpretation from English to Indonesian (vice versa). He is widely connected with local goverment officials in Jakarta, Indonesia.
€115.0/8 Stunden

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More than 25 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Jakarta. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
€115.0/8 Stunden

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More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Jakarta. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
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