1 von 4 Dolmetschern in Lido di Ostia ist für die Buchung verfügbar
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Noch 3 Dolmetschern in Lido di Ostia, welche Ihre Anfrage enspricht, aber in einen anderen Preisniveau
€440/8 Stunden
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I am a professional freelance interpreter and translator from French and English into Italian (mother tongue) in Rome, Milan and other Italian cities and as English private teacher in pharmaceutical companies in Italy and abroad. Available to move all over Europe. Competitive rates.
€480/8 Stunden
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Professional interpreter in Italy and all over Europe since 2007.
Russian, English and Italian.
Russian - mother tongue.
Italian - native speaker proficiency.
English - full professional proficiency.
Spoken French, basic Spanish.
Experience in real estate.
Consecutive/conference interpreting and chuchotage.
Sworn translations.