يتوفر 35 من 314 مترجما فيلندن لهذا الطلب
التكلفة لمدة 8 ساعات (من 10:00 حتى 18:00 - 11 أبريل،)، بما في ذلك التخفيضات.
هل تريد تغيير التاريخ والوقت؟
احجز الآن وأدفع لاحقا، إلغاء مجاني! دون رسوم إضافية.
€290.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
Translation services. While specializing in translations from English to Russian we also developed a close relationship with other translation agencies and freelancers from around the world. This allows us to additionally offer professional, low-cost translation services from English to Spanish, French, German and HUNDREDS more.
€435.0/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Interpreter English- Russian- French more than 20 years in London Britain.
€386.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
.مرحبا! أنا مترجم فوري للأعمال ومترجم فوري للرياضة، أصلا من لندن، يعمل في جميع العالم
يمكنني مساعدتك في التحدث إلى زبائن جدد في الخارج بلغتهم الأم، مما يسهل عليك بيع منتجاتك
€580.0/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
خلال تجربتي المهنية التي تناهز اكثر من عشرين سنة قضيتها كمسؤول بالمكتب الوطني المغربي للسياحة، قمت بترجمة العديد من النصوص من اللغة العربية والفرنسية الى الا نجزليزية والعكس.
€590.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
I cover all types of interpreting - mainly simultaneous, but also consecutive, liaison, ad hoc, court interpreting.
€116.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
3 work experiences as conference interpreter in entrepreneurial confederations and universities in Italy. I provide public service, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting and I have experience in the medical and engineering fields.
€480/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Professional business interpreter with almost native speaker level of English and 12 years of experience in Ukraine and abroad, who specializes in medical, business, finance, marketing, real estate, negotiations and other terminologies.
Easy to work with, high EQ and IQ, result oriented.
€1400/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Experienced conference interpreter in France. I provide simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at conferences, seminars, marketing events, meetings, festivals, during negotiations, for visiting delegations and during safety commissions. I am based in Marseille, France, but I can easily travel all over Europe and other countries.
€320/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
10 سنوات خبرة في مجالات مختلفة. اجتماعات العمل ، ومعارض المنتجات الجديدة ، والعمل مع الهيئات الحكومية والمنظمات التي تتعامل مع المهاجرين (الصليب الأحمر ، Oim ، OFPRE ...).
€600/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
Expert in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for your high-level and business meetings in various European countries. Graduated from the Institute of translators and interpreters, Brussels (Master). Perfect mastery of Russian, French and English.
€560/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
At the moment, I regularly work in 2 languages for any type of interpreting (simultaneous/adhoc/consecutive): French/English but I am also fluent in Russian which I use for liaison work (Japanese or Spanish would only be useful now for trade fairs as a hostess or tourism...).
€440/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Professional conference interpreter
AITI Associate member
Languages: Italian - English - French - Slovak
Simultaneous, consecutive, whispering, business interpreting, in Italy and abroad.
€800/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
I 'm a freelance professional interpreter and translator, living in Milan. Italian native speaker with a Master Degree in Foreign Languages and literatures, English and French. I have great experience in fairs and professional meetings of more than 15 years. I also have worked in the fashion industry, as content creator and vendor.
€560/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
Qualified French-English-Russian interpreter based in Paris.
€637.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
My working languages are French/English mother tongue and Spanish as a passive. As an Interpreter / Translator & Proofreader, and Intercultural Specialist (very knowledgeable of French-speaking Africa), I enjoy putting my expertise and experience to the service of people in international environments.
Andriana Violetta
€272/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
Five years' work experience in two specific fields: Commerce and Construction and European and International Affairs. Nevertheless, I have participated in various conferences concerning Global Economy, Environmental issues/ Ecology and European Policies.
€256/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Italian interpreter from Bologna, with qualifications from Italy, France and the UK and working experience in Istanbul and London, currently working as freelance interpreter with Turkish, French and Italian. Reliable, culturally sensitive, professional and precise.
€800/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
More than 20 yrs experience, private interpreter for French-English and English-French interpretation and translation in Paris, and abroad. I work at business meetings, seminars, negotiations, presentations, exhibitions. I pride myself in being a real member of my customer's team, so that the message is fully received by the other party.
€640/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
أنا مترجم سويدي للغة الفرنسية والعربية والسويدية.
أنا من أصل سويدي وعربى. أعيش بشكل دائم في السويد ولكن متاح للعمل الفوري في جميع أنحاء العالم 24/24/365.
لا مانع لدي للسفر لأي مكان في العالم
Laura C.
€200/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Hello! Professional French-English-Spanish interpreter and translator, based in Paris.
€483.0/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Conference interpreter mainly for German<>English, but also Portuguese, French and Spanish with more than 6 years' experience. I have provided consecutive and simultaneous interpreting in diplomatic settings, at high-profile public events, for television news, at EU institutions, business meetings, and corporate events.
€176/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Free-lance and clients intepretations and translations, with considerable experience, in Italy, Spain, UK, Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany, Suisse, USA, Mexico and Latin America. I provide all types of interpretation and translation, including at corporate negotiations and on-line languages courses.
€600/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
MA Degree in Conference Interpreting, +5 years experience and more than 4.000 hours of remote/over the phone interpreting (OPI) and Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) in various fields (Health-Care, Legal, Business meetings, tourism, social, work-related, as well as for international health crisis meetings etc.
€700/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Hammouda Salhi, PhD is a Senior Interpreter (Arabic-English-French)-- You deserve better wor(l)ds--
Extensive experience (20 years) as Chief Interpreter, Professor & Author.
- Interpreted for high-profile world leaders, e.g. former and current UN Secretaries General Moon and Guterres, Russian President Putin and President Gauck.
€386.0/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Linguist extraordinaire specialising in below subjects plus experience in medical having worked extensively for NHS in the UK. Have worked with many international clients in Belgium, Holland, Australia.. Available for simultaneous, phone and consecutive interpreting per hour/day. Personalised service, will travel to any country.
€640/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
مترجم مؤتمرات منذ حوالي عشر سنوات. أترجم مع المنظمات غير الحكومية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني والهيئات العامة والمؤسسات الخاصة وأتناول العديد من المجالات (مثل استراتيجيات التسعير وإدارة الفيضانات والحكم واللامركزية والقانون ...)
Iulia Daniela
€480/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
I have been working as a translator and interpreter for the past 16 years in Italy. I have a BA in English Language and Translation from Galați University and an MA in Interpreting from SSLMIT, Trieste, Italy.
€251.0/8 ساعات

معرفة المزيد
My name is Sofiia and I am a professional interpreter .
I provide translation in English,French, Japanese, Ukrainian , Russian.
I worked for many private\ government events in different fields of Economy \Cultural sectors.
As well I provide private lessons to prepare student to enter universities abroad.
€624/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Bi-active Conference Interpreter IT, Fr, Es <> En
Master's degree from La Laguna
€400/8 ساعات
معرفة المزيد
Conference interpreter in Berlin working with languages: Italian, French, English and Portuguese. I have been a freelance interpreter and translator since 2011. These are my areas of expertise: economics, finance, trade, environment, society, tourism, ecology and human rights. Here is a list of my main professional achievements.
إظهار المزيد