An experienced interpreter in technical and economic fields, a long-time resident of Germany with a rich experience in interpreting (over 15 years). Language pairs: Russian-German-Russian, Russian-English-Russian (through one-year stay in the US) and English-German-English.
Interpreter in Stuttgart and another cities of Germany; more than 12 years of interpretation experience from English into Russian, from English into German, from Russian into German.
Interpreter in Stuttgart, Germany with over 7 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
As a seasoned professional interpreter and translator based in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany, I offer a wide range of language services tailored to meet the needs of a globalized world. Proficient in Russian, German, English, and Italian, I excel in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps to facilitate effective communication.
Je travaille comme traductrice et interprète depuis 2005
et je suis ravie de vous proposer mes services multilingues en
Anglais, Allemand, Français et Russe
27 years of experience as consecutive interpreter in
Nuernberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business
correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions
Experience as documentation manager, for German, Russian, English translations and correspondence, and also work as the author/editor/proofreader of articles, experience of interpretations of business negotiations and support of groups at commerce and industry exhibitions (FAMETA, InterZoo, Toy Fair, InterGeo)
Interpreter in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Munich, Nuremberg, Paris, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Zurich, Brussels and many other cities of Germany and next countries: Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, etc. German and English languages. Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.
I am a professional translator and interpreter of the Russian German and English languages. I am working Baden-Württemberg /Baden-Baden /Stuttgart / Karlsruhe/ Heidelberg/ Freiburg/
Гид в Штутгарте, Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге, Карлсруэ, Гогенцоллерн, Тюбингене, Эсслингене, Шпайере, Страсбурге, Кольмаре.
Технический переводчик в Карлсруэ, Штутгарте, Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге.
Медицинский перевод и организация лечения в Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге, Штутгарте, Карлсруэ.
Большой опыт работы в качестве устного и письменного переводчика с русского на немецкий язык и наоборот. 2 года частной практики в качестве присяжного переводчика. Предлагаю все виды устного и письменного перевода. Заверенные переводы всех документов.
20-летний опыт работы в крупных международных компаниях в Германии, России (в качестве специалиста по экспорту-импорту) и 3-летний опыт частной практики устного и письменного перевода в Германии. У меня есть значительный опыт перевода в области экономики и международных отношениях, а также в области медицины
More than 2 years of experience as consecutive interpreter all over Germany. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, personal assistant (assistant).
M.A. Conference Interpreter and Translator for Russian, German, and English. Experienced translator and interpreter with a university degree. Native speaker in Russian, excellent German; Very good English; Fluent Portuguese. Experience in accounting and finances
Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German in Tübingen, Germany. Highly motivated, committed, and dependable interpreter with over 6 years of experience providing comprehensive language services to various international clients.
Freelance Interpreter in Frankfurt am Main with over 11 years of experience. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German .
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in
Heidelberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business
correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the
personal assistant (assistant).