Prix des interprètes à Stuttgart

Services des interprètes à Stuttgart:

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33 des 82 interprètes à Stuttgart sont disponibles pour la commande

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Interprète à Stuttgart - Samir
€360/8 heures
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An experienced interpreter in technical and economic fields, a long-time resident of Germany with a rich experience in interpreting (over 15 years). Language pairs: Russian-German-Russian, Russian-English-Russian (through one-year stay in the US) and English-German-English.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Мария
€250/8 heures
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Переводчик из Штутгарта. Опыт перевода с 1995 года. Отличаюсь внимательным отношением к клиентам, профессионализмом и надёжностью в работе.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Viktoriia
€560/8 heures
Discount arrow -30 %
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Interpreter in Stuttgart and another cities of Germany; more than 12 years of interpretation experience from English into Russian, from English into German, from Russian into German.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Yulia
€240/8 heures
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Interpreter in Stuttgart, Germany with over 7 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Наталия
€160/8 heures
Discount arrow -20 %
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Предлагаю услуги пoследовательного перевода (сопровождение по городу, визиты к врачу, посещение различных инстанций). Языки: русско-нем., нем-ру.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Anna
€304/8 heures
Discount arrow -5 %
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10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Mariya
€560/8 heures
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As a seasoned professional interpreter and translator based in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany, I offer a wide range of language services tailored to meet the needs of a globalized world. Proficient in Russian, German, English, and Italian, I excel in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps to facilitate effective communication.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Денис
€160/8 heures
Discount arrow -33 %
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Многолетний опыт письменных и устных переводов на выставках, конференциях и в медицинских учреждениях для фирм, гос.учреждений и частных лиц.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Irina
€280/8 heures
Discount arrow -50 %
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Je travaille comme traductrice et interprète depuis 2005 et je suis ravie de vous proposer mes services multilingues en Anglais, Allemand, Français et Russe
Interprète à Stuttgart - Ekaterina
€240/8 heures
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27 years of experience as consecutive interpreter in Nuernberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions
Interprète à Stuttgart - Polina
€280/8 heures
Discount arrow -13 %
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Experience as documentation manager, for German, Russian, English translations and correspondence, and also work as the author/editor/proofreader of articles, experience of interpretations of business negotiations and support of groups at commerce and industry exhibitions (FAMETA, InterZoo, Toy Fair, InterGeo)
Interprète à Stuttgart - Tatiana
€600/8 heures
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Interprète expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: anglais, russe, allemand, français, italien et espagnol,
Interprète à Stuttgart - Leonid
€380/8 heures
Discount arrow -22 %
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Interpreter in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Munich, Nuremberg, Paris, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Zurich, Brussels and many other cities of Germany and next countries: Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, etc. German and English languages. Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Olesya
€256/8 heures
Discount arrow -14 %
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I am a professional translator and interpreter of the Russian German and English languages. I am working Baden-Württemberg /Baden-Baden /Stuttgart / Karlsruhe/ Heidelberg/ Freiburg/
Interprète à Stuttgart - Ирина
€360/8 heures
Discount arrow -10 %
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Гид в Штутгарте, Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге, Карлсруэ, Гогенцоллерн, Тюбингене, Эсслингене, Шпайере, Страсбурге, Кольмаре. Технический переводчик в Карлсруэ, Штутгарте, Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге. Медицинский перевод и организация лечения в Баден-Бадене, Гейдельберге, Штутгарте, Карлсруэ.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Yury
€467/8 heures
Discount arrow -9 %
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Educational and professional background in engineering, business, mass communication, PR, marketing, publishing, logistics, event management.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Sergei
€480/8 heures
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I am a professional interpreter and translator for Russian, German, and English with more than 15 years of experience.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Нина
€248/8 heures
Discount arrow -11 %
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Русско-немецкий переводчик в Вюрцбурге (Германия).
Interprète à Stuttgart - Оксана
€280/8 heures
Discount arrow -36 %
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Большой опыт работы в качестве устного и письменного переводчика с русского на немецкий язык и наоборот. 2 года частной практики в качестве присяжного переводчика. Предлагаю все виды устного и письменного перевода. Заверенные переводы всех документов.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Александр
€320/8 heures
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20-летний опыт работы в крупных международных компаниях в Германии, России (в качестве специалиста по экспорту-импорту) и 3-летний опыт частной практики устного и письменного перевода в Германии. У меня есть значительный опыт перевода в области экономики и международных отношениях, а также в области медицины
Interprète à Stuttgart - Liga
€300/8 heures
Discount arrow -25 %
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Qualified conference interpreter/translator (Riga,Latvia/Europe (EET). Linguistic/related administrative / consultancy / tutoring services. 20+ yrs. in business incl. editing, proofreading, revision, cert. translation, voice-over. Main working languages: Latvian (mother tongue), English, German, Russian. Representation at exhibitions.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Laura
€250/8 heures
Discount arrow -31 %
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More than 2 years of experience as consecutive interpreter all over Germany. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Stuttgart - Irina
€280/8 heures
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Professional interpreter/translator from Düsseldorf with 10 years experience. Languages: German, English, Russian.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Edgar
€584/8 heures
Discount arrow -12 %
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Certified freelance Russian-English-German translator and interpreter based in Germany (Karlsruhe – Mannheim region) Fields of specialization: Engineering, Automotive, Civil Engineering, Software, Hardware, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Economics, Public Relations etc. Native Russian speaker.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Olga
€340/8 heures
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Professional interpreter and translator in Germany for English, German and Russian (native speaker) over 15 years of experience.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Marina
€376/8 heures
Discount arrow -10 %
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M.A. Conference Interpreter and Translator for Russian, German, and English. Experienced translator and interpreter with a university degree. Native speaker in Russian, excellent German; Very good English; Fluent Portuguese. Experience in accounting and finances
Interprète à Stuttgart - Mariia
€152/8 heures
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Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German in Tübingen, Germany. Highly motivated, committed, and dependable interpreter with over 6 years of experience providing comprehensive language services to various international clients.
Interprète à Stuttgart - Evgenia
€360/8 heures
Discount arrow -18 %
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Freelance Interpreter in Frankfurt am Main with over 11 years of experience. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German .
Interprète à Stuttgart - Katya
€168/8 heures
Discount arrow -19 %
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More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Heidelberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
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