Prix des interprètes à Nuremberg

Services des interprètes à Nuremberg:

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A propos des interprètes à Nuremberg

Pour quels cas?

Cette page contient des interprètes de Nuremberg de différentes qualifications, d’expérience, spécialisation et coût des services, donc vous pouvez commander des services d’un interprète pour des négociations avec des partenaires, pour des visites aux expositions, conférences, centres médicaux, lors d'une visite à la banque, pour un accompagnement personnel et tout autre cas.

Comment choisir?

Tous les traducteurs à Nuremberg, affichés sur le site peuvent fournir une traduction lors d’une négociation, pendant une une réunion, lors d'une exposition ou dans une banque, nos employés peuvent vous accompagner pendant votre séjour à Nuremberg. La traduction lors d'une conférence dans le cadre de la traduction simultanée et l'équipement spécial doit être commandée auprès d'un interprète qui fournit les services de traduction.


Les traducteurs à Nuremberg, affichés sur le site passent une évaluation d’un expert, confirment leur numéro de téléphone et de l'adresse e-mail, fournissent les documents sur leur formation et les pièces d'identité, ainsi que des commentaires des clients montrant la qualité de nos services qui ont utilisé notre site

29 des 75 interprètes à Nuremberg sont disponibles pour la commande

Le coût pour 8 heures (de 10:00 à 18:00 - 1 avril), avec les réductions. Changer la date ou l'heure?
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Interprète à Nuremberg - Irina
€240/8 heures
Discount arrow -14 %
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Je travaille comme traductrice et interprète depuis 2005 et je suis ravie de vous proposer mes services multilingues en Anglais, Allemand, Français et Russe
Interprète à Nuremberg - Ekaterina
€200/8 heures
Discount arrow -17 %
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27 years of experience as consecutive interpreter in Nuernberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions
Interprète à Nuremberg - Polina
€200/8 heures
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Experience as documentation manager, for German, Russian, English translations and correspondence, and also work as the author/editor/proofreader of articles, experience of interpretations of business negotiations and support of groups at commerce and industry exhibitions (FAMETA, InterZoo, Toy Fair, InterGeo)
Interprète à Nuremberg - Margarita
€240/8 heures
Discount arrow -3 %
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More than 2 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Nurnberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Jakov
€200/8 heures
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Interpreter in Nuremberg, Germany more than 5 years of interpretation experience from English into Russian, from English into German, from Russian into German.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Natallia
€320/8 heures
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Interpreter in Furth, Germany with over 15 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Julia
€456/8 heures
Discount arrow -8 %
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More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Nürnberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Katarina
€248/8 heures
Discount arrow -16 %
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More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Nuremberg. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Diana
€240/8 heures
Discount arrow -14 %
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As a sworn Translator and Interpreter for German and Russian I offer a wide range of translation and interpretation services.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Anna
€360/8 heures
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I am a Munich-based interpreter and translator for Russian, German and English. Being lawyer by education and having several years of experience in the field of law, I mainly specialize in legal interpretation. Medicine, finance, taxes, real estate and design also belong to my specializations. I practice my profession with passion.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Anna
€320/8 heures
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10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Mariya
€560/8 heures
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As a seasoned professional interpreter and translator based in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany, I offer a wide range of language services tailored to meet the needs of a globalized world. Proficient in Russian, German, English, and Italian, I excel in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps to facilitate effective communication.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Samir
€320/8 heures
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An experienced interpreter in technical and economic fields, a long-time resident of Germany with a rich experience in interpreting (over 15 years). Language pairs: Russian-German-Russian, Russian-English-Russian (through one-year stay in the US) and English-German-English.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Olga
€600/8 heures
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Interprète/traducteur à Vienne expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: français, anglais, allemand et russe.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Leonid
€584/8 heures
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Interpreter in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Munich, Nuremberg, Paris, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Zurich, Brussels and many other cities of Germany and next countries: Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, etc. German and English languages. Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Solomia
€166/8 heures
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More than 4 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter / translator in Frankfurt am Main. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Kateryna
€400/8 heures
Discount arrow -9 %
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Experienced Interpreter with European M.A. in Interpretation and Translation offering professional interpretation in Ukrainian/Russian/Italian and German. I have successfully interpreted during numerous traid fairs, business negotiations, press conferences, legal procedures and medical consultations. I guarante quality.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Yury
€480/8 heures
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Educational and professional background in engineering, business, mass communication, PR, marketing, publishing, logistics, event management.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Sergei
€480/8 heures
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I am a professional interpreter and translator for Russian, German, and English with more than 15 years of experience.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Oxana
€640/8 heures
Discount arrow -20 %
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Russian-English certified interpreter, translator. 9 + years of experience at seminars, business events, court interpreting, international visits. I've Russian & British passports, and a linguist qualification. Assist in EU, UK, Switzerland & Dubai. Intelligent, accurate, correctly express ideas in both languages: Russian, English.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Olena
€280/8 heures
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More than 18 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Munich. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Irina
€280/8 heures
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Professional interpreter/translator from Düsseldorf with 10 years experience. Languages: German, English, Russian.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Marina
€376/8 heures
Discount arrow -10 %
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M.A. Conference Interpreter and Translator for Russian, German, and English. Experienced translator and interpreter with a university degree. Native speaker in Russian, excellent German; Very good English; Fluent Portuguese. Experience in accounting and finances
Interprète à Nuremberg - Maryna
€304/8 heures
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Freelance Interprete/translator in Munich, Germany with over 10 years of experience. Interpreter from Ukrainian into German, from Ukrainian into English, from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Hanna
€336/8 heures
Discount arrow -48 %
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Interpreter in Munich (Germany) I have both university degrees for translation and economics obtained in English, German and Russian languages. My professional translation experience comprises more than 11 years and organizations like Consulate General of Germany, GIZ GmbH and further.
Interprète à Nuremberg - Khrystyna
€600/8 heures
Discount arrow -6 %
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Freelance translator and interpreter: Automotive, technical, real estate, market ing studies, life science, energy generation, NGOs and politics etc. Languages: Russian (native), Ukrainian (native), German (fluent), French (fluent), English (fluent).
Interprète à Nuremberg - Andrey
€268.0/8 heures
Discount arrow -13 %
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B. Sc. Foreign Languages. Professional linguist and translator, English and Greek Professsional linguist with over 15 years of experience in handling projects for various companies operating in the oil and gas, legal, finance, engineering, construction and other fields
Interprète à Nuremberg - Ivana
€320/8 heures
Discount arrow -11 %
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Studied translation in Forli,University of Bologna. Interpreting Russian, Italian, English, German, Serbian. 5 Years international experience on trade shows in Germany, Italy, Russia, Asia. Main translating experience in industries of heavy machinery, construction, metal, agriculture. As well as cosmetics,food,beverages,natural products
Encore 1 de plus d'interprètes à Nuremberg, correspondent à votre demande, mais sont disponibles dans différentes gammes de prix
Interprète à Nuremberg - Tatiana
€960/8 heures
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Interprète expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: anglais, russe, allemand, français, italien et espagnol,