Experienced translator/consecutive interpreter, personal assistant and team leader/supervisor who is skilled at working in multinational environment, handling multiple tasks and meeting deadlines. Fluent in Russian, English and Spanish, a highly competent speaker of French, good command of Portuguese.
Je travaille comme interprète et traductrice freelance depuis 2003. Je fais de l'interprétation simultanée en français-espagnol et anglais-espagnol (deux sens).
Spécialisée en thèmes scientifiques (traitement de l'eau, ecosystèmes...) mais aussi en thèmes sociaux (migrations, pauvreté...), tourisme, art, santé et hygiène au travail...
More than 2 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter/translator in Madrid. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
+15 years of experience as a consecutive interpreter in Madrid. Bilingual in Spanish/Russian + Advanced English Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation on negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions and court hearings.
Freelance interpreter in Madrid. Truly enjoys working on interpreting and cultural liaison assignments. Professionally passionate about working interpreting and cultural liaison projects (working languages: Russian, English, Spanish and Ukrainian). Multi-cultural skills with demonstrated ability to work effectively across the globe.
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter and translator in Madrid. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, personal assistant (assistant).
Professional interpreter / translator with over 10 years experience, based in Madrid. Studies in Philology, Business and Diplomatic Protocole. Recommendations from clients: Santander Bank, Mars, Mondelez, Iturri, public administration and European Organizations (Joint Research Institute)
Freelance English<>Spanish interpreter. Professional address in Madrid, Spain and frequent commute to Brussels.
Master's in Conference Interpreting 2015
I have been living in Madrid for more than 4 years and I study Business Administration and Management degree at an university in Madrid with a scholarship. Besides my school, I provide translation and customer consultancy services between Spanish-English-German and Turkish languages at trade fairs, events and conferences in Spain.
Interpreter in Madrid (Spain). Bilingual in English and Spanish B2 in French. Throughout my experience I ́ve had a chance to work in many different environments and with many different teams of people, which enhanced my
ability to adapt to any situation with enthusiasm and openness.
Interprète espagnole, anglaise et française travaillant entre les trois. Diplômée et maître en traduction et interprétation, maître en interprétation de conférence. Interprète assermentée - Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Domaines de spécialisation : juridique, médical, commercial, industriel, formation, coopération, études de marché..
Interpreter in Madrid, Spain with over 10 years of experience. Interpreter from Spanish into German, from Latvian into English, from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
French and Spanish native speaker and full professional proficiency in English. I work from and to those 3 languages. On top of that, I am a French/Spanish sworn (or certified) interpreter since 2008. I am based in Madrid but willing to travel.
Video samples and references are available upon request.
Interprète de conférence espagnol qualifié et expérimenté. Interprète-conseil. Fondateur du Réseau Euro-méditerranéen des Interprètes de Conférence (ENCI). Membre de l'AIIC.
I graduated on Translation and Interpreting with Spanish as my native language and English as my second language. Great initiative of individual and team work, sense of resposibility, deep concern about being in a continious learning process and with a great interest in cultures and language teaching.
Interprète/traducteur à Madrid expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: anglais, espagnol, français, portugais, serbe, bosniaque, croate
I am a conference freelance interpreter, working with Spanish-English-German-French-Greek interpretation and translation in the city of Madrid and in the nearest cities.
I'm a bilingual professional in the fields of Design, Architecture, Urbanism and research. I have worked in multiple continents and travelled extensively. I offer my services as an interpreter or translator for business or travel and leisure for the city of Madrid.
My passion is to travel, discover new cultures and also the different types of gastronomy.
I love reading.
Medicine is crucial in my life. As I am daughter of professionals in this discipline, conversations about hospitals, patients, clinical cases and new development techniques have always been discussed at home.
Bachelor´s Degree in Translation and Interpreting at University of Murcia, Master in Transaìlation and Interpreting at University of Granada. I have worked for more than 9 years as a Juridical translator from Russian, Romanian, French and Italian into Spanish. I like everything related to law, politics and culture.