Кубанский Государственный Университет (факультет романо - германской филологии) дипл. переводчик немецкого языка, преподаватель:
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The experienced interpreter in Krasnodar, working with Russian-English-German interpretation and translation. More than 25 years of experience of summits.
Extensive experience of maintenance of negotiations at the high level. Interpretation of a meeting of representatives of Administration of Krasnodar Krai headed by the vice governor of Krasnodar Krai Peronko Ivan Aleksandrovich and members of delegation of Federal department of defense of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and Holland. Escort of the CEO of the MDW company – Singwitz, and interpretation on a meeting of Selectors of the Russian Federation in Stavropol Krai. Translation of an official meeting of the governor of Krasnodar Krai Tkachyov A. N. with the Austrian delegation and representatives of Economic Chamber of Austria. An interpreter for the period of holding a construction exhibition in Krasnodar/escort of representatives of the company "NEDO GmbH & Co. KG" / the Germany / Producer and the supplier of measuring tools for construction branch. Interpreter at the Investment forum Sochi 2013. Escort of the head of the company "Integra – Europe" / Germany. Interpretation on a subject: construction of plant for production of solar photo-electric systems in Krasnodar Krai, the Organizer of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar Krai. And also set of other events of different subject. The higher profile education - the Kuban State University (Romano's faculty - the German philology).
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