Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, business meetings, interpretations at exhibitions, conferences, workshops, presentations.
I am specialised in equipment and technology, industrial production, food and beverages, restauration, tourism, medicine, pharmaceutics, cosmetic and beauty products, wine making and general interst subjects.
Interpretation specialization:
Advertizing and PR | Agriculture | Animal husbandry, zootechnics, zoology | Commerce (as a whole) | Construction, construction equipment | Polygraphy and publishing | Trade (as a whole) | Transport, vehicles, cargo transportation | Wine, winemaking, wine growing | Retail trade (generally)
Interpretation language pairs:
Italian - Russian | Russian - Italian | English - Russian | Russian - English | English - Italian | Italian - English
Services are available for order, April 15 (10:00 - 18:00):
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