10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
Conference Interpreter (М.A.). Heidelberg University, Germany. Specialist degree (interpretation and translation). Kiev National Linguistic University. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, workshops, negotiations, business events, ceremonies etc. Language pairs: DE – EN, RU. RU – DE, EN. DE, EN – UKR. UKR – DE, EN. DE – EN. EN – DE.
Interpretation specialization:
Automotive industry | Computers: information technologies | Equipment and technologies (as a whole) | Finance and credit | Industrial production | International relations and organizations | Marketing, market research | Oil and gas | State, policy | Economy
Interpretation language pairs:
German - English | English - German | English - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - English | German - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - German | Russian - English | English - Russian | German - Russian | Russian - German
Services are available for order, April 14 (10:00 - 18:00):
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