Professional business interpreter with almost native speaker level of English and 12 years of experience in Ukraine and abroad, who specializes in medical, business, finance, marketing, real estate, negotiations and other terminologies.
Easy to work with, high EQ and IQ, result oriented.
Nov 2012 – up till now. Interpreter of English, Italian, Spanish and French, Researcher.
Duties and responsibilities:
- to interpret at business meetings, conferences, presentations, exhibitions, etc;
- to translate the documents, projects, books, etc;
- to provide market researches.
Results: have interpreted at numerous business meetings and business conferences all over the world, conducted over 30 marker researches.
Oct 2010 – Nov 2012 - Interpreter of English, Italian, Spanish and French at YPI translation agency (Kiev, Ukraine)
Duties and responsibilities:
- to provide simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services during business meetings, business forums, presentations.
Results: have interpreted at over 60 business events.
Sep 2009 - October 2010. Project Manager at Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine-Cuba-the Latin American countries. ( Kiev, Ukraine)
Duties and responsibilities:
- to conduct market researches;
- to lead the projects;
- to conduct negotiations.
Results of work: have conducted over 30 market researches, lead 22 projects, concluded 22 contracts.
Sep 2007- Aug 2009 – Interpreter of English, Italian, French and Spanish in “Best” translation agency (Kiev, Ukraine)
Duties and responsibilities:
- to translate the projects and documents;
- to interpret at the business meetings, conferences, forums etc.
Results: interpreted at over 80 meetings (business forums, negotiations, exhibitions);translated around 800 different documents.
Interpretation specialization:
Accounting | Agriculture | Aircraft and astronautics | Commerce (as a whole) | Computers: information technologies | Construction, construction equipment | Economy | Exchange, investments, securities | International relations and organizations | Trade (as a whole) | Marketing, market research
Interpretation language pairs:
English - Spanish | Spanish - English | French - English | English - French | Italian - English | English - Italian | French - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - French | Spanish - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - Spanish | Italian - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - Italian | English - Ukrainian | Ukrainian - English | English - Russian | Russian - English | Italian - Russian | Russian - Italian | Spanish - Russian | Russian - Spanish | French - Russian | Russian - French
Services are available for order, May 6 (10:00 - 18:00):
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