Томский Политехнический Университет, Институт Международных Отношений и Языковых Коммуникаций, специализация лингвист-переводчик:
Институт г. Лозанны, Швейцария, Школа Французского языка как Иностранного:
My name is Daria, I'm a native Russian translator/interpreter in Saint Petersburg working with English and French languages. I'm passionate with translation and very particular about its quality as translation plays the key role in today's business.
I translated many projects for Russian as well as for foreign companies.
Having a Russian Diploma in Translation and Linguistics, I also studied in Switzerland to improve my French.
Looking forward to fruitful cooperation!
Interpretation specialization:
Advertizing and PR | Computers and Internet (as a whole) | Cookery and food industry | Cosmetics, perfumery, fashion | Electronic commerce | Exchange, investments, securities | Linguistics | Tourism and travel
Interpretation language pairs:
Russian - English | English - Russian | Russian - French | French - Russian
Services are available for order, April 11 (10:00 - 18:00):
Change date, time?
- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter