Spanish - English/Chinese/English freelance interpreter in Shanghai
Project & Practice Experience
07/2015-12/2015: The Institute of safety in Process Science in Shanghai Leader of Sci. & EHS service group
Sorted out material about safety assessment; Searched and compiled parameters of relevant dangerous chemicals, eg. CAS,
UN; Translated MSDS of chemicals; Recorded data and information about process equipment in the construction site
02/2013-09/2015: Shanghai SupeZET Engineering Technology Co., Ltd Researcher
Investigated the compatibility and incompatibility of vacuum residue with FCC bottom oil as part of a research team.
07/2010-12/2013: Shanghai electric power Limited by Share Ltd Researcher
Analyzed the Selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) at low temperature to remove the NOx from various power plants
03/2009-012010: Shanghai stone shield Machinery Co., ltd Seller
Sold more than 20 Hammer crushers, which are applied to the industries of metallurgy, mining, chemistry, and cement
05/2010 to present Interpreter Spanish-Chinese; English-Chinese; French-Chinese
10/2015: Jingjiang Supezet equipment manufacturing and coordination innovation conference
11/2014: Wuhan East Lake Doctoral Academic Forum for Chemical Materials
08/2011: Xinjiang Doctoral Forum for Comprehensive Utilization of Natural Resources
09/2010-12/2010: Internship in Shanghai petroleum and natural gas co., LTD
02/2008-06/2008: Shanghai Gaoqiao oil refinery and Shanghai Stone machinery Co., Ltd.
Interpretation specialization:
Medicine (as a whole) | Equipment and technologies (as a whole)
Interpretation language pairs:
English - Chinese | Chinese - English | French - Chinese | Chinese - Spanish | Spanish - Chinese
Services are available for order, April 11 (10:00 - 18:00):
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- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter