Master of engineering (Polymer & textile technology), Yamagata Uni.(Japan): Dr. rer. nat. ( Physical chemistry of polymers) Uni. Freiburg (in 1974, Germany): Electrical worker (in 2011):
Many years of experiences in the fields of science and industry. I know well how
a discussion with Japanese group should go and can advice how the client can
reach its goal in the limited time frame. My technical background and experiences
made proved useful in critical subjects like claim settlement and intellectual right issues.
Many years of experiences in the fields of science and industry. I know well how
a discussion with Japanese group should go and can advice how the client can
reach its goal in the limited time frame. My technical background and experiences
proved useful in critical subjects like claim settlement and intellectual right issues.
At present I am engaged in a job relating to the check of Japanese, English and German patents. This activity deepens my knowledge and expand the so-called the range of defense.
Many times I found trilingual is a powerful tool in meetings with German companies working worldwide. Most of their engineers can indeed speak English but Japanese counterparts are not accustomed to discuss in English with German-idea/word-mixture.
Moreover, the most important point in the discussion is to understand at first Japanese
and next English..
Age and knowledge are also my point.
Interpretation specialization:
Automotive industry | Chemistry and chemical technologies | Equipment: the household | Equipment: the industrial | Marketing, market research | Materials science | Military science | Natural sciences (as a whole) | Textile industry | Transport, vehicles, cargo transportation | Equipment and technologies (as a whole)
Interpretation language pairs:
English - Japanese | Japanese - English | German - Japanese | Japanese - German
Services are available for order, April 11 (10:00 - 18:00):
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