Interpreters prices in Buenos Aires

Interpreters services in Buenos Aires:

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About interpreters in Buenos Aires

What cases?

Interpreters/translators services in Buenos Aires (Argentina) are needed in many cases. First of all that is interpreting at negotiations or exhibitions, visits to local companies or factories. Translators/interpreters in Buenos Aires (Argentina) are needed to visit at conferences, seminars, presentations. Interpreting services in Buenos Aires clinics aren't less popular. In most cases an interpreter is the irreplaceable assistant. There are translators/interpreters in Buenos Aires (Argentina) with various qualifications, experience, a combination of target languages and services rates on this page, therefore you can order interpretation/translation services for any cases.

How to choose?

All translators/interpreters in Buenos Aires (Argentina) published on can provide interpreting at negotiations, exhibitions or accompany you during your trip in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and also translation services. You can choose an interpreter in Buenos Aires (Argentina) provided interpreting services at conferences or seminars, if you need interpreting services at conferences or seminars with simultaneous interpretation and special equipment. For interpreting at medical centers it is better to address interpreters of the corresponding profile providing interpreting service at clinics.

Buenos Aires translators/interpreters are providing English-Spanish consecutive, simultaneous interpreting and also translation services. Other combinations of target languages are available as well in

Many interpreters in Buenos Aires (Argentina) can offer additional services such as picking up at the airport, transfer by own or rented car, services of a city guide and consultant on various questions. Such services may be included in the rates or be paid additionally. This must be agreed in advance.

To get the best quality, choose a Buenos Aires interpreter/translator having experience in specialization needed for you or similar subject. It is important, if you provide documents, your website links, your partners website links or other resources helping interpreters to prepare and to provide the best interpreting quality.


Translators/interpreters in Buenos Aires (Argentina) get an expert assessment of, verify a phone number and an e-mail address, provide documents on education and an identity card, and also have excellent customer reviews who have made and paid orders by

How to order?

To order services, select a translator/interpreter in Buenos Aires (Argentina) that best suits your case. Send a message with a preliminary request through the "Contact interpreter" form on the interpreter page. In the request, indicate the date (s) and time when you need an interpreter, languages, subject and type of event, so that the interpreter confirms the possibility of working at your event. Then you can book the indicated date and discuss with the interpreter the details of the work.

13 from 87 interpreters in Buenos Aires are available for order

Price for 8 hours (from 10:00 to 18:00 - November 8), discounts are included Change date, time?
Order now, pay later with FREE order cancelation! No agent’s markups.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Игорь
€112.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -40 %
Усный и письменный перевод с русского на испанский и наоборот. Опыт работы: Translator Spanish/Russian in GoGlobal Consulting. Translator Spanish/Russian in Tech Universidad tecnologica Переводчик/интерпретатор Испанский - русский на Летних юношеских Олимпийских играх 2018 в Буэнос Айресе.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Карлос
€373.0/8 hours
Родился В Аргентине. Знаю свой народ, культуру, привычки, лексика языка в Аргентине и как подходить к нему. Занимаюсь уже 27 лет в области внешней торговли и международных отношениями между Аргентины и России. Устные и письменные переводы. Представлял интересы Группы ГАЗ, и других компании. Работал в правительстве 34 года.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Alexey
€448.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -33 %
3 degrees and 10+ years experience in diplomatic missions, public authorities, and state and private corporations in Russia and Argentina. I provide all types of interpretation, including B2B, B2G, and G2G negotiations. I have vast experience of interpretation in IT, economy, foreign trade, agriculture, nuclear and conventional energy.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Oleg
€149.0/8 hours
Over 20 years of interpreter experience in agricultural, veterinarian and meat processing fields at official and business levels.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Nataliya
€545.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -29 %
Experienced trilingual translator and interpreter in Buenos Aires, accurate and highly motivated, passionate about this profession. Extremely professional, reliable and flexible. Proven experience in financial, medical and technical fields.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Елена
€112.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -25 %
Внештатный переводчик в Буэнос-Айресе, работающий с русско-испанским письменным и устным переводом в металлургии, компьютерной техники, медицине, обработке древесины, патентах, транспорте, логистике.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Юлия
€261.0/8 hours
С 2014 года живу в Буэнос-Айресе, владею испанским на уровне В2-С1, свободно общаюсь с носителями на любые темы. Переводила на переговорах при покупке элитной недвижимости. Переводила и перевожу в житейских ситуациях: банки, покупки, врачи, миграционные службы, свадьбы и так далее.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Lena
€299.0/8 hours
Russian - spanish - english interpreter, tour guide and consultant in Buenos Aires - Argentina
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Ольга
€22.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -40 %
Русский язык - родной, испанский - на отличном разговорном уровне. Хорошо ориентируюсь в нюансах аргентинского диалекта. Живу в Аргентине с 2017 года. Обучалась в московской школе иностранных языков "Лингва-информ".
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Елена
€312/8 hours
Discount arrow -11 %
Профессиональный русскоязычный переводчик в Испании. Большой опыт работы для инспекторов Государственного института лекарственных средств и надлежащих практик (ГИЛС и НП) Минпромторга РФ во время GMP Инспекций фармацевтических компаний Испании на предмет их соответствия правилам надлежащей производственной практики (GMP)
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Arseniy
€320/8 hours
Discount arrow -20 %
I´m an interpreter between ru/en/spa/cat languages. I studied languages and translation in Russia, the US and Spain. I have worked in translation since 2003. My employers include Nuance Communications, The Leading Hotels of the World, The Silver Rain Radio, Moscow Grand Theatre, The University of Barcelona, The Malaga Russian Museum, etc.
Interpreter in Buenos Aires - Педро
€231.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -16 %
Услуги устного или письменного перевода для частных или коммерческих организаций.