M.A. Conference Interpreter and Translator for Russian, German, and English. Experienced translator and interpreter with a university degree. Native speaker in Russian, excellent German; Very good English; Fluent Portuguese. Experience in accounting and finances
Experienced translator and interpreter with a university degree in translation (B.A.) and conference Interpreting (M.A.); Native speaker in both Russian and German; Very good English; Fluent Portuguese (Brazilian); Profound knowledge of professional and cultural aspects of translation and interpretation: 2008-today: Translation of corporate documents and business correspondence for private companies from English and German to Russian; Translation of journalistic texts from English and German into Russian, focusing on the aspect of culture and intercultural communication, Translation and creation of advertising texts in English, German and Russian; Literary translations from Russian into German: Interpreting:
2015- today: Freelance conference and community interpreter for private clients, companies and organisations (German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens Women and Youth, University Hospital Heidelberg Badisches Staatstheater).
2011-2015: During my studies of conference interpreting at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, I was trained in simultaneous (up to 20 minutes) and consecutive (up to 10 minutes) interpreting mode in following languages: Russian (native) and German (both active and passive), English as passive language. Daily training in the interpretation booth as well as interpreting during weekly conferences were crucial part of my study. 2011-2012: Community interpreter: medical and legal interpreting for "Dolmetscherpool" German, English and Russian languages. Teaching 2015: Teaching Interpreting (German-Russian course) at the International Summer School of the Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germersheim. 2011: Teaching Russian culture and translation English-Russian at Glasgow University, Scotland.
Interpretation specialization:
Economy | Education, training and pedagogics | Exchange, investments, securities | Finance and credit | Logistics | Marketing, market research | Mass media, journalism | Advertizing and PR
Interpretation language pairs:
German - Russian | Russian - German | English - Russian | Russian - English
Services are available for order, May 5 (10:00 - 18:00):
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