perito aziendale e corrispondente in lingue estere it means diploma in foreign languages:
TITOLO DI STUDIO perito aziendale e corrispondente in
lingue estere (50/60), ho anche ottenuto
2 Advanced English Certificates in UK:
High level of service orientation
Sociability, strong communicative skills and team spirit
Charisma, natural radiance
Intercultural competence
Sense of duty even in stressful situations
Independence, commitment, initiative
Sense of responsibility and dependability
It is one of the most fascinating and interesting professions. It is however an occupation which demands a lot more than one may believe: dealing with people in a continuously friendly, competent, and responsible way, living-up to service expectations, and showing self-confidence even when handling the most difficult situations. If you have these qualifications you are rewarded with an exciting job in which one can meet people of all nationalities, languages and cultures.
Interpretation specialization:
Advertizing and PR | Aircraft and astronautics | Economy | Law: patents, trademarks, copyright | Medicine (as a whole) | Sports and sports equipment | Tourism and travel
Interpretation language pairs:
Spanish - Italian | Italian - Spanish | French - Italian | Italian - French | English - Italian | Italian - English
Services are available for order, May 6 (10:00 - 18:00):
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- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter