Communication is increasingly complex and demanding, the language barrier must be broken down to give way to efficiency and spontaneity. Interpreter/translator in Paris since 1989. As an interpreter, I specialize in German, Greek, French and English. I also deliver high quality written translations into Greek and/or into Cambodian-Khmer
Recent references : Alcan, Alcatel, AXA, Bombardier, Bosch, Carrefour, Chanel, Dassault, Disney Store & The Children’s Place, EADS, Equal, Euronext, Ford, General Electric, HP, IBM, Levis, Microsoft, Otsuka, Sagem, Toyota, TV, Visteon, …
These companies work regularly with my clients : Translation & interpretation agencies.
In case you wish, I can help build interpretation teams in Europe on a long term or case by case cooperation.
My language combination and basic prices are as follow :
Interpretation simultaneous & consecutive: French, Greek, German & English
Interpretation price : depending country and duration of mission 680 to 1150 € per day. Special rates for a whole week.
Fields of expertise : automotive, food & agriculture, mechanical industries, finance, medical, IT. I also have experience in audits, negotiations, law, social and economic sciences,...
Citizenship : French & Greek
Biggest translation project up today : 1 000 000 words (7 000 pages)
Minimum invoicing: 64 US$ or free for a phrase or two.
Equipment : PC & Mac
Education :
2010 – 2014 Legal & Translation training as a Sworn interpreter by TGI Paris
2007, 2008 St Brelades College Jersey Advanced English training
2006 Groupe Alpha Athènes Grèce : Advanced Interpretation training
2005 September & October Project in New York NY
2004-2005 Training in Paris for optional hearing attention.
2001-2003 Translation and literature at Phonie Graphie Institute Paris
1994 PhD in Political Science at the Erlangen-Nürnberg University in Germany. Sociology and Economy as options, Suported by a scholarship of DAAD
1987 Athens-Pantios University: Political Science and International Relations. Grade excellent.
1984 Paris IV, Sorbonne University: "Cours de civilisation française".
Memberships: SFT, ATA, CBTIP, winter 2015
Interpretation specialization:
Banking | Marketing, market research | Medicine (as a whole) | Trade (as a whole) | Law (as a whole)
Interpretation language pairs:
Central Khmer - English | English - German | German - English | Greek - German | German - Greek | English - Greek | Greek - English | French - Greek | Greek - French | French - German | German - French | French - English | English - French
Services are available for order, April 11 (10:00 - 18:00):
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- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter