• Choice of the interpreter
  • Choice of service
  • Order registration
Information about the order
Professional interpreter
Interpretation services in: Donets’k - Ukraine.
The chosen period: December 2 (10:00 - 18:00) Change date, time?
Language pairs: Russian - French | French - Russian
The chosen services: Interpreter at presentation
Additional services: Translating your presentation materials before and/or after the event (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .ppt, .pptx)
Free order cancellation: is possible before 01 December 10:00
Order price and currency:
    Create new password
  • Information about the customer:

Following payment methods will be available to you:
- Bank transfer
- Cash payment at the meeting
- VISA/MasterCard

To cancel cash payment order you will have to personally consult the interpreter about order cancellation conditions.