My proficiency in Chinese language is as good as in English and many Indian languages. I am currently in Germany and also have German skills. People with whom I interact in India and abroad consider this as a rare skill that I possess.
After getting my first class Diploma in Industrial Electronics from Maharashtra Technical Board in 1996 I was selected by National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan to pursue degree programme in Computer Science and Information Technology. Hence my skills of basic and advanced Electronics helped me in my performance. During my elementary, secondary and university education in Taipei I was the only non Chinese to attend and get selected for the prestigious best Chinese speaker and writer. My proficiency in Chinese language is as good as in English and many Indian languages. People with whom I interact in India and abroad consider this as a rare skill which I possess. I was born to Indian parents and was born in Benin city in Nigeria, studied in Nigeria, Taiwan and India has made me a universal person who can work with people from different cultural, ethic, religious and social back grounds. During my working period in Taiwan, India and China I have cultivated the spirit of team work and leadership. This is in brief my summary and skills in addition to my excellent communication skills, power of convincing Eskimos to by air conditions and very good knowledge of Electronics, computer engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, Finance, HR and Admin. Just completed The Ford Foundation Summer Research Fellow with a 8 weeks course in China and India.
Specialties: Chinese, HR, Finance, New Company Formation, Branding & Marketing, Administration.
Interpretation specialization:
Accounting | Computers: information technologies | Tourism and travel | Linguistics
Interpretation language pairs:
Sindhi - English | English - Sindhi | German - English | English - German | Chinese - German | German - Chinese | English - Chinese | Chinese - English
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