Experienced English-Thai-Chinese
- MC (Event Host)
- Simultaneous Interpreter
- Onstage Interpreter
- Consecutive Interpreter
who has been educated in 5 countries namely USA, Thailand, HK, China and Taiwan and explored over 25 countries around the world. Expertise in NLP, Sales Training, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Investment
Over 3,000 hours of interpretation worldwide, I have accumulated experiences in
- MC (Event Host)
- Simultaneous Interpreter
- Onstage Interpreter
- Consecutive Interpreter
- Remote Simultaneous Interpreter
- Remote Consecutive Interpreter
in all three languages; English, Thai and Chinese.
Interpretation specialization:
Advertizing and PR | Banking | Cosmetics, perfumery, fashion | Economy | Education, training and pedagogics | General interest subjects | Insurance | Linguistics | Retail trade (generally) | Telecommunications | Commerce (as a whole)
Interpretation language pairs:
Chinese - English | English - Thai | Thai - English | Chinese - Thai
Services are available for order, April 15 (10:00 - 18:00):
Change date, time?
- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter